

Effective From: 15 January 2024

Key Choice Group Pty Ltd ABN 27 106 387 786 (“Key Choice”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) provides services in partnership with third parties. These terms govern your use of our website(s) (the “Sites”), products, services, and applications (the “Services”). By using the Services, you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of these Terms or the Privacy Policy, you should not use the Services.
We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Privacy Policy. Regularly reviewing them is your responsibility. Continued use of the Site after changes signifies your acceptance of these changes.
For inquiries or concerns about these terms or the Services, contact us at:hello@keychoicelending.com.au or Key Choice Lending, Level 1, 311 Main Street, MORNINGTON VIC 3931.

1. License Grant & Restrictions

Key Choice grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited, revocable, worldwide right to use the Services for your internal business purposes, under this Agreement’s terms. You agree not to misuse the Services, including but not limited to, unauthorized access, distribution, modification, or competitive usage.

2. Intellectual Property Ownership

All rights, titles, and interests in the Services, including any related intellectual property rights, belong to Key Choice and its licensors. You agree not to infringe upon these rights and to respect our trademarks and copyrights.

3. Code of Conduct

When accessing the Services, you must not engage in illegal, offensive, or harmful behavior. You are responsible for the content you contribute and must ensure it complies with all relevant laws and respects the rights of others.

4. Use of the Services

You must use the Services lawfully and responsibly, respecting data protection and privacy laws. We are not responsible for third-party services linked with in our Services.

5. Billing & Commission Policies

Commissions may be earned for services provided through the platform. Specific commission agreements must be clearly communicated to us.

6. Our Rights

Our Services are provided “as-is” without warranty. We limit our liability as much as legally permitted and expect you to indemnify us against certain types of legal claims.

7. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes should first be attempted to resolve informally. The governing law for these Terms is the law of Victoria, Australia.

8. Events Beyond Our Control

We are not liable for failures in service due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

9. Translation

This Agreement is originally in English. In case of discrepancies, the English version prevails.

10. Miscellaneous

These Terms represent the entire agreement between you and Key Choice. They supersede any prior agreements or understandings.

For any questions or concerns, contact us at hello@keychoicelending.com.au or by mail: Key Choice, Level 1, 311 Main Street, MORNINGTON VIC 3931.

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